Petal Four, Worksheet #1: The Purpose For My Life

Matthew Roberts
2 min readJul 29, 2021


The sphere of Our Possessions

“Better stewardship of what we possess — as individuals, as a community, as a nation — in the world, because you were here.” (Pg 83 What Color is Your Parachute) As I contemplate what areas of life I would like to see more simplicity, quality, and a broader sense of the word “enough” rather than on the words “more, more” (Pg 83) some areas that come to mind are in surfing, clothing, the food we eat, the relationships we have with others via work, family, friends, and the way we spend our time. When I take a look at my own life, and the things I have as far as both physical possessions, things I do, and relationships I have, I can see a common thread of quality over quantity. I drive a 1997 Toyota Tacoma, which is a 25 year old, simply designed, yet fully functional vehicle. The sound system is simple, the buttons and interior functions of AC/Heat, cruise control are all done in the simplest manner, yielding easy comfortable use. I love this truck, and with routine maintenance, hope to have it for another decade. Next, as a religious surfer, I have two boards. One, which I can ride in almost any surf, and the other for the more critical days where I want to get specific. I have one other board that a friend gave me which is my beater, low risk, board. Both of my boards were hand shaped here in Southern California by brilliant waterman, surfers, and ocean conservationists. I have one wetsuit which when summer comes around I cut the legs off of and where through the summer. When it comes to clothing I have a few pairs of jeans I love, a couple of great durable t-shirts, an awesome flannel, and a hoodie. I would rather have a few things, all of which I love and cant wait to wear or use, than a lot of things which I don’t love. Okay back to the topic. How can I contribute to others in this area. I think it comes down to good design. Oh, one other thing, my relationships. Relationships take work to maintain. I have come to a place where I have an incredible network of friends and family who love and support me, but I must be engaging with them in order to tap into the benefits of having close intimate relationships. I would like to help people get dialed in their lifestyles. Having a few things which we adore, is better than having a lot of things we don’t know what to do with.

