Petal Four, Worksheet #1: The Purpose For My Life

Matthew Roberts
2 min readJul 29, 2021

The sphere of The Heart

When you have finished your life here on earth, do you want there to be more love and compassion in the world, because you were here? (Pg. 85) I would like there to me more compassion and love for one another in relationships with ourselves, each other, our bodies and the planet. I try my best to interact with people using tools like active listening, giving the benefit of the doubt, non-judgement, encouragement, patience, open mindedness, tolerance and honesty. I think a lot of people may lack the opportunity to experience these kinds of traits in their relationships to themselves and others. We are on a giant rock flying through space. We are all trying our best. We all want good things for ourselves and one another. One thing my friend Isaac, of Radar Salon, said was “people want more for themselves”, and I couldn’t agree more. The only disconnect is sometimes accessing that more can feel difficult to navigate, and some may not even know it’s an option. I want people to remember as having brought them joy, having taught them how to relax, trust, and enjoy, while loving themselves and others. In order to do this, it must start with me, as I too have lots of trouble with these things at times. Recently, I have been in some ways unsatisfied with the position I am at. I am not fully in a place where my work is rewarding and fulfilling, I am living at my folks house to save money, and I haven’t made a decision about my next course of action, but thats what this exercise is about. I want to help people enjoy their lives by helping them tap into quality experiences, relationships, and things, vs large quantities of these things. Love and compassion can flourish when we are happy with where we are at.

