Petal Three, Worksheet #1: Story 2

Matthew Roberts
3 min readJul 18, 2021

Title: Communion

I have always been interested in and excited by dance music. Whether it be the outfits of attendees, the venues, the sound systems, the underground DJ’s, the flyers, or the moments of pure sleep-deprived bliss experienced during sunrise with your new found best friends, listening to your new found favorite selector flip through his 60 pound record bag.

Let’s be real, how good does that sound? To me, unbelievably good. That’s why it’s one of, if not the first thing, I seek when visiting a new city.

After doing lots of research in the field (attending parties, looking at flyers, following DJ’s, and the like) I decided it was my turn to give back. I set a goal in which I would curate and host an event tovcelebrate in underground music and art in my home town. This process would involve curating 3–4 DJ’s, finding a venue that I felt fit the energy or vibe of the party I was aiming to throw, finding someone who could provide a sound system, coming up with a name and flyer for the event, inviting people, finding an artist to show their work, providing food and drink, and creating a place for guests to RSVP their spot.

At first this felt like a lot, but I was determined, focused, and couldn’t wait to dance.

Here are the steps I took to execute this event:

  1. Reach out to local art gallery I had in mind to propose idea.
  2. Start sketching flyer ideas and ideas for the event name.
  3. Find someone to design a flyer for me. (Pre UX design school)
  4. Reach out to local DJ’s to see if they would like to play.
  5. Have them send me their signatures to place on flyer.
  6. Find and book a sound guy.
  7. Find and book an artist to display work.
  8. Choose date and time for event.
  9. Make sure head DJ could fly in for that weekend.
  10. Market and promote event.

The day of involved set up, management during event, dancing, cleaning, and breaking down.

The first road block I faced was finding a date and time that the venue I selected could offer me. The solution involved doing whatever it took to adjust to what was available. It hardly felt like a road block. I suppose when one is determined and fueled by passion, little to nothing can get in the way. I could not wait to see the space light up. To execute a vision like this, and to see it all the way through, yields results beyond my imagination.

The result of my effort, and the effort of friends involved, was a totally one-of-a-kind dance music and art celebration inside of a beautiful art gallery on a sunny Sunday afternoon in San Diego. Everyone that attended was stoked and kept asking about the next one, which did in fact take place. On top of curating and organizing this event, I also got to DJ and share music I enjoyed with those around me.

Reflecting on this process now, I feel I was able to tap into a number of my different skills. These skills include artistic creativity, my ability to connect with and relate to almost all people, communication, organization, planning, and executing. More specifically, I was focused on executing a very specific style of event and I feel that I was able to see it all the way through while avoiding compromise that would sacrifice the integrity of my vision.

I was told by my guests that they had been looking for something just like what I had organized, that they were beyond pleased by the venue, the sound, the music the food, and that they couldn’t wait for the next one. What started as a vision in my mind, turned out to be a one of kind intimate gathering of friends, new and old, to celebrate the beauty of art and music and its ability to connect all people despite cultural, financial, racial, and political variance.

